Sunday, February 28, 2010


So I am a little late to the blog game. In typical me fashion I have been "too busy" to blog. Well I have been busy with work and social activities but I could have posted a blog entry. How long does it take really, about 10 minutes? But sometimes I lack motivation to do small things when laying on the couch watching TV is so much easier. That is why I am really excited about RAGBRAI. 63 miles a day is a lot more to accomplish than writing a blog post. If I don't post a blog oh well, but if I don't train for RAGBRAI I'm screwed. I'm hoping this gives me motivation to actually train and so far its helping. I have been to the gym a lot more than I have in a very long time, but it's still tough. Even on Saturday I was supposed to go to a yoga class and instead I took a nap. At least I sucked it up and go to the gym that night.

So here I am declaring my sometimes lack of motivation and hoping to overcome it. I've got 2 girls and a blog to hold me to it. I am going to try and post once a week, and if I don't please remind me of my goal :)


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bikes... Yikes!

I am COMPLETELY overwhelmed when it comes to searching for the right (affordable) bike for RAGRBAI. I think I may have ADHD because I can't seem to focus on the research side of it. Let me tell you, its a lot different than picking out your first pink Schwinn 10 speed from the local Wal-Mart.

But none the less I'm trying to weed my way through the wonderful world of bikes (that was almost a tongue twister.) Our friend Marybeth clued us into this great website and it really seems to be pretty helpful:
So thanks Marybeth!!

Lex has a couple of bikes picked out already, though, I think she should seriously consider something like this! Plus there's even a seat for Andrea when she gets tired of riding her own bike!

What do you think??

- Abbie :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

I would like to recant a previous blog in which I have failed to mention that my mom (pictured here with my dad)did in fact ride RAGBRAI as well. I do remember her riding as my sisters and I claimed temporary orphan-ship sent to live with relatives for the week. Actually, it was great! We always had so much fun.

I have strong memories of my dad going out to train or riding on that stationary bike wheely thing (which we broke playing on, sorry dad). However, both my parents rode in RAGBRAI and I hope they will share their experiences with us so we learn from their mistakes and their many successes! I hope I have as many wonderful memories too!

- Alexis

Unconventional Training

We finally recovered! It’s been a few days since our last blog due to recovery time from our “meeting” last Thursday to discuss RAGBRAI preparations. No no no… there was no wine involved which in retrospect probably would have been a more speedy recovery. We decided to grab dinner and talk about RAGBRAI since my obsession with watching the winter Olympics would have prevented me to pay attention had we met at home. I am going to credit this incident to the fact we are getting so pumped about the challenge of RAGBRAI, we went to an all you can eat sushi restaurant. Great deal! Bad decisions. It would have been fine had we stuck to our original plan of ordering two rolls each, but as Abbie confidently listed what she wanted the judging eyes of the waitress bore into her and we all started to question our choices. “Oh I can eat two with no problem,” states the petite waitress.

How big are these rolls? Dizzy with hunger and after waiting 40 minutes to sit down our imaginations leapt from one misguided conclusion to the next. So, to be safe we each order three rolls.

But wait! There’s a catch with all you can eat sushi! Something fishy with the policy! Ahem… sorry, anyway if you don’t finish EVERY ROLL, then you pay for the roll on top of the money you’ve paid to go through this torture, which now seems like an exorbitant amount. Just that afternoon I had begun to outline a budget for RAGBRAI and the guilt of spending more money just because I couldn’t finish the challenge before me weighed me down more than all the food in my stomach.
So we each took as big of a breath as we could, considering we would have happily passed out right there at the table from a food coma, and finished…every…single… roll!

Well I am going to claim that this experience was part of training… physically yes (because we plan on eating a LOT of pie) but more mentally. Though once again we did not get things done as planned, I’m extremely proud (and since it’s been a few days I can now think about it) that we finished that sushi.

- Alexis

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Training day 1

I think it actually was more of a see where I am and lets see how far I have to go. What I learned is I have LONG way to go. I was hoping to bike 10 miles which isn't much when you consider just how many miles are involved, I made it 8, and then I speed walked a couple miles on the treadmill. I think I could have gone farther but my wrist was hurting. That probably doesn't make much sense when sitting on a stationary bike but its crazy any motion jars your wrist some and when its broken any motion hurts. But I believe it is getting better, its just a matter of time, I'm not going to let it deter me. I also kept getting a charlie horse in my left calf, I think Grandpa would tell me to eat more bananas... or drink more milk? I'm not sure but I'll continue to work on that. Even with a slow first day I'm still optimistic that I can do this! (Yes I know its only day 2.)

Something thats really been weighing on me is how I can afford to do RAGBRAI. Riding RAGBRAI isn't cheap when you consider, um, I still don't even own a bike. Plus the fee's for riding, bike clothes (padded bike shorts!), transportation, bike equipment, etc, you get the point. But I have a plan for this, for one, I'm not going to spend the money I make babysitting, that all gets set aside into the "bike" fun. I'm also going to curb the eating out and try to cut it back to 1-2 nights a week, this will probably also help the fact that I need to lose some weight and get into much better shape for this thing! Third, I'm only going to drink "out" once a week, this will have much the same benefits of the not eating out, though not drinking out doesn't mean I can't drink at home or at friends places :). Finally, trying to limit cabbing it to once a week, because that adds up! I put this all out there so HOPEFULLY you all will hold me to it ;).

As far as training goes, I really don't have a specific plan yet. Right now all I plan to do is strengthen my legs and arms, keep increasing the miles I ride, and adding difficulty along the way. This will all be easier when its warm outside and I actually own a bike.

I found this article about RAGBRAI online, I think some of it may be outdated but I think it has some good tips from veteran riders:

Any other tips any of you have feel free to share!


The Beginning

RAGBRAI… I’ve wanted to do this for awhile now. My Dad used to ride every year when I was younger and I always thought that I would ride it once I got older. Well I’m older.

Let’s just say my track record with physical fitness has been less than stellar. Not to say I’m inactive, or that I don’t try… more like I’m easily distracted and excuses for sidetracking a habit forming exercise schedule are plentiful. Though I confidently declared at New Years that 2010 would “be the year” I was extremely relieved that I would not be going alone. Abbie and Andrea are keeping me motivated with their enthusiasm and this means the likely hood of success has tripled!

There is so much to do to get started!

1.Register (The number of bikers are limited on RAGBRAI by a lottery system; we will register as a group so our chances of getting in are increased).
2.Get a bike! Scratch that, research more bikes then get a bike.
3.Train (I’m not sure how to form a routine yet).
4.Learn how to fix a flat tire.
5.Figure out transportation (Getting to western Iowa).
6.Ummm….. I’m sure there are a ton of things I haven’t even thought of!

We are meeting tomorrow night to discuss some of these details. This is our third attempt at meeting, the last two times the only thing we accomplished was an empty bottle of wine.

- Alexis

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How to train for RAGBRAI without really trying...

Ok, so that title is clearly misleading, training for RAGRBAI is going to be intense, hard, trying, exciting, fun, and a lot of other adjectives I don't care to continue to list.

What is RAGBRAI you ask? Well, I doubt you are unsure of what it is if your reading this blog but I will fill you in none the less...

According to it is an annual seven-day bicycle ride across the state. Heading into its 38th year, RAGBRAI is the oldest, largest and longest bicycle touring event in the world.

(Largest in the world?! Yikes! I've got a lot of training to do...)

What does RAGBRAI stand for? Register's (as in Des Moines Register) Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa.

So now that your caught up on exactly what RAGBRAI is, your probably wondering why am I writing a blog about it. I decided to start a blog about training and doing RAGBRAI for a few reasons. I hope for it to be funny, interesting, and motivational for me.... though it will likely be none of the 3, haha. Also because this is definitely one of the biggest things I've ever taken on, I mean, riding a bike an average of 63 miles a day for 7 DAYS! This is going to take work... and commitment... and perhaps a little (or a lot) of insanity. So my hope for this is it keeps me on course with my training and goals and somehow, in the end I actually go through with and survive this.

I also hope you find this from time to time entertaining..

OH and I'm sharing the reigns on this blog with my teammates and friends on the journey Alexis and Andrea, so they will hopefully be sharing their thoughts and goals and whatever else from time to time as well.

Were (or at least I am) going to need our friends and families support in this, so we hope to hear from the peanut gallery from time to time with any words of wisdom, encouraging thoughts, or funny quips.

Thanks everyone! :)


PS, if you'd please ignore spelling and grammatical errors, I'm not even going to pretend I'm an English major, plus I'm currently typing much slower and with less accuracy thanks to a broken arm (iust another challenge in training.)