Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Poll question


I just read this article on CNN and found it interesting, it discussed Bicyclist vs Cars on the road. It also listed the top 10 most bike friendly cities, whoop whoop Chicago for making the list!

I often hear my friends that drive complain about the bicyclist for not following the rules of the road and not showing caution for the cars around them and am curious, what is everyone's opinions on the matter? What could be done to make it easier for everyone? Pros? Cons? Feel free to comment and get a discussion going, yes, all 6 of you that are following our blog.

I'm especially curious as I'm just getting used biking in the city, and am hoping to soon start commuting to work this way. Alexis and I are going to take a class at REI on bike commuting that focuses on making it a safe, fun, and efficient way to get around, I'm really excited about it!

Speaking of REI, I'm falling in love with that store, awesome helpful staff, tons of stuff to look at, and great classes. I highly recommend you stop in sometime if your near one just to look around.

Last night the SoPo Spinners went out on their first ride together! It was great and I must say, the lake was gorgeous last night at dusk with a storm rolling in from the distance, makes me feel so lucky to be able to ride on such a beautiful path. I wish I'd brought my camera!

Ok, that's all from me. I hope to get some pictures of my bike and the comical building process up within the week.

Thanks for your comments and feedback!


Friday, May 7, 2010


So, I'm declaring a blogfail on my part, I got totally out of it.

It could have been because I didn't feel like a lot was happening on the RAGBRAI, Bikes, Training front... or it could have been just laziness (I vote the latter of options.) BUT as luck would have it, I'm back and am going to try to rededicate myself to this blog because really tons has happened!

1. FINALLY got a bike. Its a Diamondback Flatbar Road bike. Basically a hybrid. I really love it, my only complaint, its navy blue. Why do you ask is that a complaint? Oh, because as Lex put it in her blog, I wanted a "girlier" bike. Luckily for me I happen to know a pretty talented Auto-body mechanic AKA my Father, who could probably "girlify" (that is an Abbie original word) if I want it. So who knows maybe on RAGBRAI you'll see a completely original bike in navy blue with hot pink stripes.

2. We were chosen in the RAGBRAI Lottery! I know I know, this is a bit redundant from Lex's earlier blog, but um, deal with it. Oh and I don't think my words were that I had an "uh oh" moment, I think it was more like an "oh shit" moment. The "oh shit" being that we are actually doing this and I haven't even gotten on a bike since probably my sophomore year of college. TIME TO POWER TRAIN.

3. So I started training, well kind of. More like I started at least riding my bike. What I discovered is that when people use the phrase "it's just like riding a bike" in reference to doing something you haven't done in awhile, starting riding again really is "just like riding a bike." Except, that I may be a little wobbly because I'm still getting used to road tires, and I have to learn what gears to be in when, etc. Also, I've never ridden in a busy city before (or any city really for that matter.) Surprisingly, that isn't really so bad, the hurdle I have to overcome most right now is my left wrist. I was foolish to think when the doctor gave me the "all clear" for all activities and said I'd healed well from my little stumble on the ice last January that it wouldn't bother me at all. I was wrong, it really bothers me, like a lot, Andrea and I rode just 7 miles the other day and I had to call it after that because my arm wasn't allowing more. I'm not going to use it as a deterrent, hopefully with enough training and adjustments I can figure out a way to ride semi-comfortably. I'm going to try a wrist brace, and adjusting my handlebars, if neither of those work I'll try to consult some biking experts and see if they've had a similar experience and what they did. Speaking of any experts out there with suggestions??

But what I have learned is that I really really enjoy biking, a lot. Outside of the arm (and slight butt) pain, its been a great experience already. Monday we were able to ride to drop off our rent checks, and get some groceries, all of which took a lot less time then when we walk. Tuesday, Andrea and I rode to the lake, and it was gorgeous riding with the lake on one side of us and the skyline on the other. It was really relaxing after a couple of stressful days, I can't wait to ride a lot more. Eventually I'd like to bike to work... if I ever get used to the city traffic!

I'm going home this weekend, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MOM! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MOM AND DAD! After that though I will upload some pictures of my bike and the assembly process and the first ride. Shout out to Alexis and Mike for helping, or basically doing it for me!

OH the most exciting news of all, the SoPo Spinners are now roommates! Andrea moved in last week! Love it!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So, in case you were holding your breath SoPo Spinners are officially in RAGBRAI! We got the confirmation that we were chosen in the lottery. In Abbie’s words, “Insert the ‘uh oh’ moment here.” Indeed.

So I have been trying to cross train, so that means that I have been going to the gym… not riding my bike.

Yes! I got a bike! Happy Birthday to me! My parents got me a bike! I was so surprised! I love it, and as girly as it is I think it’s so pretty! It’s a 15 inch Motobecane.

So now the real training begins. It definitely helps that we all have bikes and the weather is so beautiful. Unfortunately Chicago doesn’t provide the opportunity to practice hills. Those who’ve ridden before us claim that the most important training is the training your butt gets in the bike seat.

I cannot believe it’s less than three months away…. Uh oh.