Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So, in case you were holding your breath SoPo Spinners are officially in RAGBRAI! We got the confirmation that we were chosen in the lottery. In Abbie’s words, “Insert the ‘uh oh’ moment here.” Indeed.

So I have been trying to cross train, so that means that I have been going to the gym… not riding my bike.

Yes! I got a bike! Happy Birthday to me! My parents got me a bike! I was so surprised! I love it, and as girly as it is I think it’s so pretty! It’s a 15 inch Motobecane.

So now the real training begins. It definitely helps that we all have bikes and the weather is so beautiful. Unfortunately Chicago doesn’t provide the opportunity to practice hills. Those who’ve ridden before us claim that the most important training is the training your butt gets in the bike seat.

I cannot believe it’s less than three months away…. Uh oh.

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