Tuesday, March 2, 2010


A word of warning, this post has little to do with RAGBRAI and more to do with a funny story.

This story actually begins several years ago from when Lex and I were in college. I briefly dated this guy, he'll remain nameless, however Alexis and our best friend Amanda nicknamed him 1997, because he unfortunately looked like he got stuck there and never made it out.

Well, lets fast forward a few years to 2 weeks ago. Lex and I were on the bus on our way to the train on a Friday morning, not expecting it to be different than any other day are minding our own business, when I look up, and on walks a different guy I dated, again briefly, a couple of summers ago. He also will remain nameless, however for those familiar with who this is we will call him "Trench coat guy." Why do you ask? Because he wears an almost floor length black duster as a coat, I'm not kidding its straight out of the movie "Say Anything" with John Cusack (a movie I can't help but love BTW.) Me being the grown up I am trying to hide as much as possible and didn't say a word in fear he'd recognize my voice.

So it was during this time of quiet and reflection that I realized I have a problem, I only date in the 90's, honestly, Alexis and I went through a majority of the guys I've dated, definitely a blast from the past.

And now I'm thinking, oh no, can it be that I'm stuck in the 90's am I still a young girl between the age of 7 and 16? My conclusion is yes and here is why:

1. On Thursday and Friday nights, instead of going out with friends like most single young 26 year old professionals do, I babysit.
2. When I babysit I have to let my Mom and know and check in when I get home to let her know that I made it safely much like a young girl would have to do.
3. Why do I babysit? Because I'm saving up for a bicycle.

And here ends why I'm stuck in the 90's as a 7-16 year old girl.

- Abbie


  1. I'm sick...at home and totally laughed out loud after reading this. THANK YOU!
    - Melanie

  2. I have read this like 7 times (no joke). Too funny...so are you ready to join the rest of us in the new millennium?
