Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bikes... Yikes!

I am COMPLETELY overwhelmed when it comes to searching for the right (affordable) bike for RAGRBAI. I think I may have ADHD because I can't seem to focus on the research side of it. Let me tell you, its a lot different than picking out your first pink Schwinn 10 speed from the local Wal-Mart.

But none the less I'm trying to weed my way through the wonderful world of bikes (that was almost a tongue twister.) Our friend Marybeth clued us into this great website and it really seems to be pretty helpful:
So thanks Marybeth!!

Lex has a couple of bikes picked out already, though, I think she should seriously consider something like this! Plus there's even a seat for Andrea when she gets tired of riding her own bike!

What do you think??

- Abbie :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you girls should get the two seater above but then attach one of those child carriers to the back so that you can bike in shifts while the third person rests.... or does that defeat the purpose? :)
