Monday, February 22, 2010

I would like to recant a previous blog in which I have failed to mention that my mom (pictured here with my dad)did in fact ride RAGBRAI as well. I do remember her riding as my sisters and I claimed temporary orphan-ship sent to live with relatives for the week. Actually, it was great! We always had so much fun.

I have strong memories of my dad going out to train or riding on that stationary bike wheely thing (which we broke playing on, sorry dad). However, both my parents rode in RAGBRAI and I hope they will share their experiences with us so we learn from their mistakes and their many successes! I hope I have as many wonderful memories too!

- Alexis


  1. oh how cute those pictures are of dad and mom:) keep up the good work of training:) it'll be a fun experience!

  2. Thanks for mentioning us. At least we are smiling in the pictures so you know it was all fun!
